blink is back, so I'll get drunk (and it's not an excuse)

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009
as I have said many times: "I'll get drunk this weekend".
as I have been many times too: I'll be drunk this weekend (if money allowes me to).

rare video of mutt -1998- (scott still played drums)

source: user joboshmo (youtube)

My turn: "I'am currently shittin my pants"

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

hoy me decidí a cumplir con algo que hace mucho debía de hacer...
temprano entré al facebook y mi novia me había dejado una noticia
-de hace unos días- pero que aún no había visto...

hoy es un gran día para mi:

¡¡¡blink-182 está de vuelta :D :D :D :D!!!!!

today I decided to do something that I should have done a long time ago...
early in the morning I logged into to discover and old notice
that my girlfriend left me, which was the newest one to me...

today is a great day for me:

blink-182 is back :D :D :D!!!!!

-"fuck yeah!"